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The Basic Difference Between Random And Structured Tower Packing

Date: 2019-12-03 | Author: Christine McAniff

Tower internals are a key player in the success of the overall operation. Tower packing is a mass of inert, solid shapes that are used for various applications in distillation, absorption columns, chemical reactors and scrubber systems. The packing allows for a greater surface area with a low bulk density for gas and liquid to make contact, which can also allow for contact in different phases. Tower packing is sometimes referred to as tower internals or structured packing, random packing or trays.

How does it work?

The main function of a scrubber column is to remove pollutants, heat, and particulates from processing. Tower packing that is located within the column provides a surface for capturing moisture and particulates that collect and then fall to a collection point at the bottom of the tower. At the same time, the hot gases rise to an exit.

Tower packing is suitable for a variety of applications and widely used in many fields, however, it is best to consult a reputable engineering and manufacturing company to evaluate and design the proper packing.

Tower packing types include different materials of construction, ranging from metals to plastics, glass and ceramics. Metals can include carbon steel, stainless steel, copper and titanium. Some examples of plastics are polypropylene, PTFE and PVC.

Under certain conditions or in specific applications, each provides a particular benefit that may make one tower packing type more desirable than another.

Structured Packing

Structured packing is specifically designed and arranged and neatly piled in the packed tower scrubber. The uniform arrangement of durable structured packing provides many advantages compared to random packing. Structured packing is more expensive, yet offers higher efficiency, lower energy consumption, increased capacity, as well as lower pressure drop. All of these will lead to increased operating rates and lower down time.


With a history that dates to the early 1800’s, random packing also known as dumped packing is one of the primary cost-effective devices used in mass and heat transfer. It is the practice of dumping filtration material into a column in the packed tower scrubber. This process is achieved during installation, at which point the packing is allowed to fall in random. Advantages include low pressure drop and reduction of liquid holdup.

Kimre offers a full line of structured tower packing options and tower packing types. Because of distinct patterns, our mesh pads are easier to clean and maintain and put back into service. We offer durable structured filters and fiber bed filters. Kimre tower packing can attack wide range of mist problems and offer solutions for de-misting. From .02 to well above 100 microns.

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