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Project Management – Essential in Chemical Engineering

Date: 2020-02-14 | Author: Christine McAniff

When a company chooses to sign a contract for a new or a retrofitted scrubber system, a project manager or team of project managers will be appointed. The importance of carrying out this practice should be applied to a project of any size. When retrofitting or supplying internals such as mist eliminators or fiber bed filters, cages, piping, gaskets, nozzles, etc, it is critical understand the benefits that a project manager can provide throughout the life of the project. Project Managers, also known as PM’s are dedicated key points of contact, that will oversee the project and navigate all challenges to ensure that the needed outcome is achieved.

It goes without saying that good communication is the fundamental base to success in any situation. If you have ever heard the phrase “too many cooks in the kitchen” and how detrimental this can be, the same rings true for a kitchen without an appointed cook. Essentially the “cook” is the project manager - and it is detrimental to the project if you do not have a good project manager.

It is well known in the industry that most engineers are not project managers and have never had any formal training. Therefore, it is imperative to choose an engineering company with skilled project managers.

It is the responsibility of the client to provide clear product and process requirements. This will allow for a clear project scope, and once the scope is set, it is important to not deviate unless the client request a change order. If you have worked as a project manager, you have used the word deliverables many times, we can define this as products, services, and results that a project will produce, basically these are the milestones of a project’s success that will be measured by your client.

People are difficult to work with and probably will be the biggest challenge during a project, knowing how to work with people in a productive way is key to success. A project manager will facilitate communications between the client, the fabricator and the engineering firm to make sure that objectives are met and that the budget is strictly monitored throughout the project life cycle. As the project evolves, and change orders are needed, the PM will make sure the changes are smoothly carried out.

A solid project will mean the difference between success and failure. Sadly, some projects do fail, and lessons learned are part of PM. Documenting the lessons that we learn during the process will mean that this does not happen again.

If you are looking for a company with qualified project managers to design or retrofit your scrubber system, consider contacting Kimre. Kimre engineers and PM’s have been in the air pollution abatement field for more that 43 years. We design and manufacture pollution abatement equipment that is used in chemical plants around the world. Kimre is dedicated to completing the project and navigating all challenges with ease to our customer and all parties involved.

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