For over 40 years, Kimre™ has been a respected leader in the design and implantation of wet scrubbers in plants around the globe. Generally, scrubbers are known for their function of “scrubbing” unwanted particles that find their way into the gas stream. Wet Scrubbers are found in chemical plants, acid manufacturing plants and steel making plants, amongst others. Wet scrubbers are utilized when a gas stream becomes contaminated by particulate or a gas, or a combination of both. Some gas pollutants could be ammonia, chlorine, or sulfur compounds. In the wet scrubber, these gasses will be dissolved or absorbed into the scrubbing liquid. The liquid many times is water, but can vary depending on the pollutant. In Industrial exhaust systems these harmful gasses or particulates must be removed to ensure optimal performance and compliance. Particulate matter is microscopic or liquid matter that finds its way into the gas stream. When the liquid comes into contact with the dust particulate, the heavier and coarser particles are washed out and carried down to make contact with the mist eliminator pads.
Wet scrubbers are an effective pollution control device. To effectively work, many variables are considered when designing the scrubber. Particulate scrubbers, usually referred to as Venturi Scrubbers are typically effective in removing particulate from exhaust. These scrubbers are typically smaller and pose many advantages. Most commonly, a wet scrubber consists of a vessel, ductwork, fan, mist eliminator, pumps and the liquid treatment. Kimre’s™ experienced engineers can effectively design the optimal scrubber for your custom needs. At Kimre™, we also provide the internals. We effectively work with the customer from start to finish, always making the customer needs a priority.