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A Packed Tower Scrubber Depends on Certain Features to be Effective

Date: 2018-11-14 | Author: Christine McAniff

Combatting air pollution requires having the right equipment, internals and maintenance in place. The importance of these factors will the pivotal point in your system performance.

Tower packing is a key component to your system. Designed for particulate removal and mist elimination, you will find that the best designed tower packing will make a difference in your operations.

In unit operations or gas cleaning applications, mass transfer refers to the net movement of a chemical from one phase to another. Structured tower packing offers the ability for higher performance and efficiency at a lower pressure drop vs. random tower packing. Structured packing consists of large pieces of material that are placed individually in the tower at a specific orientation.

The packing is specifically designed and manufactured to meet the requirements of each individual application. At Kimre, we offer woven interlaced tower packing, constructed of monofilament materials such as PVDF or Polypropylene. The structured materials can be layered in accordance to the application. They are then fit into cassettes which can be inserted at various stages of the vessel. If needed, the materials used will withstand high temperatures.

Tower packing will effectively remove a wide range of air pollutants in many industrial applications. By allowing the liquid to flow down and over the surface of the packing, tower packing creates a mixing action between the gas and liquid. Tower Packing breaks up the liquid phase of the chemical process and creates the maximum surface area for transfer into the vapor phase, resulting in low pressure drop.

By preventing liquid holdup, you will see drastic reduction in energy use. The uniform material cross-sections minimize the wall channeling of the vessel. This means that when a droplet falls from one of the cylinders, it will almost immediately hit the next layer, making the mass transfer of the renewed liquid surface effective and efficient.

Easy installation and cleaning

Ideally, Installation should be easy to facilitate resulting less down time. Layered pads should be composed of flexible materials, so that the tower packing can be inserted into an opening the size of a manhole. Structure can be provided by using simple supports that may be removed for maintenance.

Easy cleaning will also be a key factor when selecting quality tower packing. Methods such as, pressure washing, chemical solvents, or manual squeezing the media should be easy to perform and result in success.

At Kimre, we have the structured tower packing products you need. We offer unique technology that produces highly effective scrubbing. Our engineers will design and manufacture a custom product to ensure that your operations are up and running properly.

Partner with an Environmentally Friendly Company

For more than 45 years, Kimre has been designing, manufacturing and installing mist elimination products around the globe. Our desire to improve the environment is more than a mission, it’s a passion.

We welcome you to partner with us to find ways to improve the world for future generations.

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